23. March 2023
The Norwegian Transparency Act shall promote enterprises' respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in connection with the production of goods and the provision of services and ensure the general public access to information regarding how enterprises address adverse impacts on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions (the Transparency Act § 1).
Saga Welco fully supports the purpose of the act and therefore wishes to actively contribute to increased compliance with basic human rights and decent working conditions in supply chains and business partners of Saga Welco.
Saga Welco is currently working actively to ensure that neither our business, our suppliers nor our business partners risk violations of basic human rights, and to ensure that their employees have decent working conditions. This is part of our due diligence assessment pursuant to the Transparency Act. We work together with our suppliers and business partners on this and require that all parties contribute. Saga Welco will take measures on an ongoing basis if our assessment shows that there is in fact unwanted risks.
Saga Welco will publish an account of the due diligence on the company's website by 30 June 2023.
Any person has the right to information from Saga Welco regarding how we address actual and potential adverse impacts on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions. Questions to Saga Welco can be sent to post@sagawelco.com. Saga Welco will respond to all inquiries within 3 weeks. If the question is particularly demanding to answer, it might take longer to answer the question in full, but we will nevertheless provide feedback within 3 weeks.