Tønsberg, Norway
Saga Welco AS
Postal address
PO Box 2620 Sentrum
3129 Tønsberg, Norway
Visiting address
Tollbodgaten 22
3111 TØNSBERG, Norway
T: +47 33 01 88 00
E-mail addresses
General: post@sagawelco.com
Commercial: toncom@sagawelco.com
Operations: tonops@sagawelco.com
Finance: tonfin@sagawelco.com
Claims: claims@sagawelco.com
HR: application@sagawelco.com
For inquiries regarding crewing and technical management, please contact Westfal-Larsen Fleet Management for vessels of G, H, I, M, O and P Class, or send an e-mail to: opsmb@wlco.no.
Westfal-Larsen Fleet Management
For vessels in Future, Adventure, Bird, Mitsui and Tide Class please contact Anglo Eastern Ship Management Ltd.
Anglo Eastern Ship Management Ltd.
- Name
Trond Moe Hanssen
- Position
President & CEO
- Phone
- Name
Christian Arentz
- Position
SVP Commercial
- Phone
- Name
Trond Bårdsen
- Position
Senior V.P. Operations & QA
- Phone
- Name
Pål Egeland
- Position
Director HR
- Phone